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Contemporary Jewellery Designer and Maker

About Me

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I am an applied arts student specialising in jewellery making. I design and make contemporary jewellery. I like travelling and visiting museums all over the world which help me to broaden my horizons and develop new ways of thinking. My jewellery is not just a piece of jewellery but has a narrative. I like my designs to be inspired by people, the environment and daily life around us.

Monday 13 June 2011

Jewellery Making: Reflection on Kandinsky's painting

Kandinsky and Rothko both believe humans are spiritual beings. Each person has an inner need to express their feelings, their deepest nature and secrets. They both also love music and for Kandinsky, music speaks to the soul most directly. For Rothko, music is the true language of emotion.

I was especially inspired by Kandinsky’s painting. They are eye catching, but also aesthetically pleasing. My beads are what I think they felt when painting music.

For Kandinsky, shape and forms have their own meaning. For example, the horizontal line corresponds to the ground on which man rests, vertical line corresponds to height. My ‘Kandinsky’ range of jewellery is my reflection on his painting. I want them to be both striking to wear, but pleasing as well.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

'Coral' Theme Jewellery

The historical use of amulet is a natural result of a traditional faith in the power of protective signs and symbols. Primitive people believed that by carrying or holding an amulet, they felt protected and secured.

Coral, amber, crystal and agate have also long been considered powerful materials for protection. Red is the Chinese traditional bridal colour and represents good luck, celebration, happiness, joy, vitality, and long life. I used 'Coral' and the colour of red to design and made my amulets by using the techniques of bead weaving and soldering. My purpose is to bring comfort and the striking colours will lift the spirit o the wearer.

Lampworking Jewellery

It is believed that some people possess the power of Evil Eye in their gaze which cause harm, injury, misfortune and even death.

Evil eyes or magical eye beads are objects that reduce the effect of evil eye, thus protecting the ones who carry them.

I was inspired by the traditional Chinese colours, in particular the colours of the panda, a national treasure. I made my eye beads in black and white. If you believe they work, they will protect you from harm. If not, they are striking and entralling to wear.

Sunday 6 March 2011

My latest work

By using the techniques of fold-forming and lampworking.